Saturday, August 24, 2024
Now I can go back to looking at why my vector encoding didn’t work last night.
Now I’m trying a new trick using my icon on the side of Drummer to both update my blog and update my Datasette instance. It worked! 🔥
This is really cool! Turns out the Keyboard Maestro supports url schemes so I can call my Dataseet update routine from Drummer! 😎
Fixed a bug. Turns out I needed to change the KM variable definition to use $KMVAR when passing it to a shell script. 😁
Testing out a Keyboard Maestro macro to allow me to add a blog entry/update to my Datasette instance using keyboard commands.
My first attempt at creating vectors last night for my blog content failed for some reason and as I was quite tired I put it aside.
Going to heat up today but the humidity should be relatively low. 🤞🏻