I absolutely love using Dave Winer’s Electric Drummer for writing my blog content and pushing it to multiple platforms. I also love the scripting capability! The only thing I wish I could do is call shell scripts with ED then I could use my other programming loves of bash and python to do some sweet automations! I have been using Keyboard Maestro as a go between using it’s url scheme which works but gets a little clunky at times.

Gotta love ChatGPT! I hadn’t had a header image since I shut down my old hosting site instead I just had a black background. This afternoon I used ChatGPT to create a few images and chose the one you’re seeing now. I will probably create a bunch more to play with! (This won’t show on my micro.blog site.)

Watching a very interesting interview with Simon Willison on the Software Misadventures Podcast. Some very enlightening ideas!

Another beautiful, crisp morning but the heat is coming back later in the week.

Gary Thompson @gwthompson